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Coaching Job Skills

Using a positive approach for delivering positive results

Coaching Job Skills must go beyond showing how to do a job correctly. It involves observing, analyzing, demonstrating, and giving feedback. It is a process of developing relationships with team members – relationships that build the trust and respect that is the foundation of successful organizations.

This program trains managers to both help and train their team members, elicit co-operation, win team member confidence, create more successful business units, and, ultimately, impact an entire organization’s success.


Participants completing Coaching Job Skills will be able to:

  • Understand the special nature of coaching, a one-on-one activity that involves showing a team member how to perform a task.
  • Distinguish between performance problems that require coaching and those that can best be handled by clearer instructions or by other means.
  • Understand the importance of observation and analysis before coaching a team member since coaching, like all effective training activities, must be well-thought-out and carefully planned.
  • Involve the team member in the coaching process by asking questions and encouraging feedback.
  • Increase team member accountability by setting up a review.
  • Most often, more than one coaching session is needed to improve performance.

Model: CELEAD0303-01
Price: $63.00 + GST

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