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  Service Stars

A jewelry store clerk who kept a customer’s watch running on time

Satisfactory customer service is seldom memorable. What is memorable is poor service and service that goes the extra mile. Sometimes it only takes a small gesture to change a routine customer service experience into one we will recall months later, we will tell others about and will cause us to become repeat customers. Those who do those little extras are truly Service Stars.

The hands were motionless.  I gave my watch a shake, which had no obvious effect.  Apparently, a new battery was required.
I arrived at the mall just as its stores were beginning to open for Sunday afternoon shoppers.  I could hear the clanging as the barriers that separated the stores from the rest of the mall were put into storage for the day.  I passed by the first jewelry store where the barrier still protected the merchandise from potential customers.  Continuing down the mall, I entered Paris Jewellers, to be greeted by Kyna.

She listened to the description of my problem before taking the watch.  After struggling to remove the back, Kyna checked the battery and announced that it indeed needed to be replaced.

Unfortunately, the store did not have the right battery in stock.  Knowing this, I fully expected to be dismissed with an “I’m sorry” and an offer to order a battery or a suggestion that I check with another jewelry store.

To my surprise, Kyna had another idea:  check with Radio Shack, across the mall.  I could buy the battery there and Kyna would install it.  The Radio Shack clerk checked.  He didn’t have the battery I needed – but he could order one.

Intent on getting my watch repaired that day, I declined his offer and returned to Paris Jewellers to retrieve my watch and continue the search for a battery.

Kyna wasn’t as ready to give up as I was.  “Try Zeller's,” she suggested.  This turned out to be a good suggestion.  Sorting through a collection of batteries, the woman behind the Zeller’s jewelry counter found the battery I needed. 

Back at Paris Jewellers, I handed my purchase to Kyna, who disappeared into the watch repair area.  Minutes later, she returned with my watch, battery installed and set to the correct time.

The cost for Kyna’s time, her assistance is locating a battery and installing it?  “No charge,” she smiled, as I returned the watch to my wrist.


Nelson Scott offers several Customer Service Presentations, including Customer Service MAGIC: Changing Complainers into Loyal Customers; What Your Mother Taught You About Customer Service and other Training Resources developed by Service Quality Institute and the Vital Learning Corporation.


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