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  Service Stars

A meat shop service provider who ensured a customer got what he wanted . . . and at the best price

Satisfactory customer service is seldom memorable. What is memorable is poor service and service that goes the extra mile. Sometimes it only takes a small gesture to change a routine customer service experience into one we will recall months later, we will tell others about and will cause us to become repeat customers. Those who do those little extras are truly Service Stars.

I planned to do two things that Saturday afternoon.  First, I would drop by the YMCA for their 30th birthday celebration, after which I would pick up something for dinner.  These two apparently unrelated tasks came together when I was offered a hamburger during the YMCA’s celebrations.  As I was adding fixings to the burger I noticed an M&M Meat Shop banner next to the table.  I decided that I would be serving hamburgers that evening.

As I don’t shop at M&M frequently, I was unsure what I wanted.  Staff member Robert asked how he could assist me.  He explained they sold several types of frozen burger patties.  What they usually provided to groups were fully-cooked frozen patties.  It seemed a good suggestion.

On my way to the counter I had seen some frozen kabobs.  Reaching into the freezer, I picked up four and placed them on the counter next to the box of burgers.  “Those are on special,” Robert volunteered.  “If you buy two more you will save a dollar each.”  That sounded like a good deal to me, so I picked up two more before following Robert along the counter to the cash register.

By now it must have been obvious to Robert that I was in unfamiliar territory.  He reached over the counter to where catalogues were displayed.  “I’ll give you one of these.  It lists everything we sell so you will know what to look for the next time.”

As I left the store with my purchases and the catalogue, I was thinking that I would return soon because Robert had listened to my request, found the product that I wanted and made sure that I took advantage of the sale price. He seemed to care about customers…even an infrequent one.


Nelson Scott offers several Customer Service Presentations, including Customer Service MAGIC: Changing Complainers into Loyal Customers; What Your Mother Taught You About Customer Service and other Training Resources developed by Service Quality Institute and the Vital Learning Corporation.


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