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A Story of After Sales Service

One of the joys of presenting seminars is the opportunity to meet people from different backgrounds with a variety of experiences. I have found that by listening to their comments and questions I am able to learn and grow. There is much wisdom to be shared with others.

The greatest reward of speaking at conventions and doing on-site training occurs when someone “gets it.” Sure, the money is nice. Laughs during the presentation and applause at the end are welcome. But there is something special when people come up after a session with stories that show they understood the concepts and can relate them to their job or life.

I had just spent two hours describing how to Transform Complainers into Allies at the North Central Teachers’ Convention when a teacher approached. “I thought you would like this story,” he said, handing me a paper. I only had time to thank him before he left for his next session. I regret there wasn’t an opportunity to ask his name.

As soon as the other participants were gone, I picked up the paper and quickly read the words of my anonymous correspondent. He described how one company had stood behind its product, no matter what this took. When the customer had a problem, it became the company’s problem to solve:

My wife’s grandfather had a Rolls Royce and drove around Zimbabwe like it was a Range Rover. A spring broke, so he called London to ask how to get it fixed. Within a few days, a technician had flown down with the parts and repaired it and then left. He never saw a bill, so he called London again to ask about paying. The answer from London was that “Rolls Royce's never break.” (So what if they went bankrupt. They had good service!)


Nelson Scott offers several Customer Service Presentations, including Customer Service MAGIC: Changing Complainers into Loyal Customers; What Your Mother Taught You About Customer Service and other Training Resources developed by Service Quality Institute and the Vital Learning Corporation.


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